Saturday, 30 April 2011

A "Little House" Day

Sometimes I like to pretend I'm a Pioneer Woman and a friend of the Ingalls Family. I think Laura would find me too stuffy, but maybe Mary and I would get along. Maybe. 

While I don't butcher pigs or milk cows, I still find shopping for a week's worth of groceries deliciously satisfying. And of course I buy good and wholesome foods, like bacon. Oh, and dried cranberries. (And bacon.) And almond milk. (And bacon.) And frozen green beans and a package of Persian cucumbers. (And perhaps bacon again.) 

Don't worry, I only bought one package of bacon. 

Then to come home and lay bacon slices on a tray to freeze, because, you know, winter is coming (in 8 or so months). Or because I can only eat so much bacon before it spoils in the refrigerator! Even better is putting a tray of lemony-garlic onions, potatoes, and chicken in the oven to roast. (And freezing the leftover pieces of chicken, 'cause, well...winter, right?)

Didn't Ma do something similar? Except she probably slaughtered, drained, and plucked the chicken herself. And she set it to bake with Rye n' Injun bread and a pan of beans. 


Wrong Mom. That's "Mother" (Almanzo's) who always did that.

Don't forget the sour pickles, quivering salt pork, piles of mashed turnips, and that final slice of pumpkin pie. Yeap, it takes a lot to feed a growing boy.

It takes a bit to feed a girl who-won't-grow-much-taller, too. 

While my cooking does not always turn out tasty, I still enjoy the weekend when I have time to shop and play "Little House" in preparation for a busy week. 

And there's something so fun about wrapping meat or slices of cake to squirrel away in the freezer for  later. 

Can I name my freezer "The Attic"? 

I need strings of onions! 

But I'll pass on the headcheese, thank you.


  1. Great post Em. Brings back memories of many evenings when we read the Little House on the Prairie series together. Love, Dad
